Thursday, December 4, 2014

Hello Little Blog

A random picture of my parent's back yard to start us off 

The past three months have been kinda crazy. The good kind of crazy and the bad kind of crazy. Jason and I have gotten so busy I just tried to make a list of things we're busy with and the list didn't seem that long- maybe we aren't as busy as we think. 

But anyways I am back, back to share my exciting life with my wonderful 15 readers (thanks Mom)

First off I quit my job. Yep, just quit. It was totally unlike me, I didn't have plan or a new job lined up I just quit. Jason was tired of me hating on my job I was tired of being there, then there was some drama with the manager and I quit. I applied for one job and one job only and I got it and I love it. I know that is where I am supposed to be. I work at a music conservatory where I am surrounded by music and good people oh and pianos, hundreds of pianos.

The Milky Way tastes like raspberries. Isn't that incredibly romantic? I learned this from a Numb3rs episode (the only show that has made me wish I was a scientist, thanks Larry) and have been obsessed with this fact. If Jason had a dollar for every time we have been sitting quietly doing our own thing and I have said "The Milky Way tastes like raspberries" well we would probably have our student loans paid off by now. So yesterday I was walking around Sprouts and noticed quite the commotion around the berry stand, and lo and behold raspberries 4 for 5 dollars. So of course raspberries had to be bought. Then last night my husband was dragged out of his warm house to eat raspberries and look at the cloudy Provo skies. 
(note to self repeat this date in the summer when the skies wont be cloudy)

On another but similar note I bought 4 boxes or raspberries yesterday and we now have one. 

I may have a problem.

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