Monday, January 25, 2016

The London Pass

So... back to England. I can't believe it has been so long since my last England post but I have promised Jason I would finish. So finish I will:)
The day after Windsor we used our London Pass. The London Pass gave us access to a bunch of different locations across London. The only thing was you had to use it all in one day. By this day we had been logging about 20,000-25,000 steps a day, our delayed flight, jet lag, and my 6 week pregnant body, I was exhausted. So there are not a lot of pictures from this day I think Jason was more preoccupied with my whining then actually taking pictures. Just kidding I did not whine but I was tired and I think Jason knew. 

So our first stop was the tower of London. Tower of London is one of my favorite places to visit. For some reason it kind of feels like Disneyland. I think because you can find people in costumes doing reenactments and then the guards look like something from a fairy tale. I love that they haven't changed the uniforms for years. I had been to the tower before but last time the line to see the royal jewels had a couple hour wait and we didn't have a couple hours. But this time we were able to see them and there were diamonds bigger then my fist. I could hardly believe my eyes.  

After the tower we went to Westminster Abbey they don't allow photography inside the abbey but it was such a neat experience so see how much history has piled up in that place. There was a room in the back, I am not sure the correct terminology but it was a really old room that is original and is still set up how the monks had it before the Abbey became the Church of England. We also saw graves upon graves and memorials everywhere. It was overwhelming and quite ornate. Jason did get to see Issac Newton's grave which I think was the highlight of his trip:)

After the Abbey we went to the Churchill War Rooms. By this time my feet were about to fall off, I wish I would have been able to take it in more. But the rooms were very neat. At the end of the war they just left them how they were till they were made into a museum. Pictures were allowed here but it was really dark and cramped so we don't have any with us in them. Just the one at the end where you can see Jason's silhouette in the glass.

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