Tuesday, June 10, 2014

The time I ruined a surprise

Last Saturday started of like any other Saturday. Jason and I woke up, ate breakfast, went to the temple, came home I began working on a salad for a funeral.... and Jason started cleaning the apartment? Which was sweet.. and weird. I told him we could do it later, but he continued to do laundry and dishes. Dont get me wrong. I was loving it, but I was confused. Normally the way cleaning works in this house goes like this;

Halie: "we need to clean"
Jason: "yeah ok, we'll clean later tonight."
Halie: "No I need to clean now."

Halie proceeds to clean 

Jason thinks Halie has a problem sometimes known as OCD

So that is why I was confused. But I went with it.

Then I was backing out of our driveway and as I pulled into the street I see this SUV and a trailer practically parked in the middle of the street, and this was my thought process

"whats that car doing parked in the middle of the street? Oh that looks like my parents car... oh wait that looks like my parents.. huh that is my parents"

And that is how I ruined the surprise that was my parents bringing my piano.

We had to move our furniture again. It was the 3rd time since we got married.. in 4 months.

Jason is a patient man.

my baby.


  1. ha. love this.

    and so happy you got your piano!

  2. That is so awesome! And by the way, never, ever question a man who thinks now is the time to clean!! ;) So glad that piano has made it's home in your home!
