Friday, April 12, 2013

Some Days

you have to blow off homework and go to Target. 

I am convinced that Target is the best form of therapy. I mean is there anything you can not find at Target?* The other morning whilst getting ready for school Allyson and I decided a trip to Target was in order. After the first four hours of my 12 hour final (more on this later) Allyson picked me up and to Target we went. Let me tell you how much we love that place. We love it a lot. 

And what would a trip to Target be without a trip to Cafe Rio after it be? It would be nothing. 

So to Cafe Rio we went to gorge ourselves on Pork Burritos with extra meat.. and of course enchilada style. 

Because that is what roommates do. 

They go to Target and eat Cafe Rio. 

All the time.

* I have recently learnt there is something you cannot find at Target, and that would be Aveno chap stick, just so everyone is aware.  


  1. I am favorite-ing this post. Because that's a real thing.

  2. Good to know that Target therapy is still alive and well. Yes, your auntie has been roaming target for years. :)
